ANST-Announce - Black Star submission policies

Michael Tucker michaelt at
Tue Mar 27 10:50:25 PST 2001

Unto the populace of Ansteorra come greetings from Michael Silverhands,
Kingdom Chronicler:

Good my kinsmen, I'm finding myself responding to a number of questions
regarding announcements to be published in the Black Star. If you have
submissions for the Black Star - such as an announcement for an upcoming event -
please take a moment to read the submission policies. They are published every
month in the Black Star. This month (the March issue), they appear on page 14.
Reading them will save you and me both some time.

I don't mind answering your questions and helping you put together a quality
announcement for your event. It may be just one of several that I'm handling,
but it's the *only* one that *you* are handling, and I understand how important
it is to you. I want your event to be successful just as much as you do. But,
please, if you have a question, see if it is already answered in the Black Star.
If not, or if you don't understand the policies, feel free to ask. I am happy to help.

must state whether a site is "wet" or "dry", along with any other special
considerations of the site. The phrase "discretely wet" is not acceptable. If
you mean "the site is wet, but please use period containers", then state that.
If you mean "it's a dry site, but if you're sneaky and don't get caught, we'll
look the other way", then please reconsider your policy.

Please remember that all event announcements must be approved for publication by
your seneschal. I will not publish your announcement without hearing from them.
Also, if your announcement contains ANY artwork, even just a map to the site, I
must receive a signed release from the artist, giving permission to publish the
artwork. If the artwork is in the public domain (such as Dover art) you still
need to send me a release telling me where you got it and that it's ok to
publish. I will accept electronic submissions with paperwork to follow in the
mail, but if I have any concerns about the artwork I will not publish it without
the release. The safest thing is, get the release to me well in advance of the deadline.

Finally, if you're new to putting together one of these announcements, Thank
you! Thank you for the work you are doing, and helping your group to have a good
event. But, please, seek help first from your local officers (especially your
chronicler and your seneschal) if you have any questions about how to proceed.
There is only one of me, and there are well over a thousand of you. Even though
I'm an Ansteorran warrior, and I will hold the field as best I can, I must admit
that you've got me outnumbered. :-)

Yours in service,

p.s. to branch seneschals: please, if you will, see that your populace receives
this announcement. Thanks.
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