[Gatesedge] Populace Details

Jennifer Toland p.toland at computer.org
Thu May 10 15:10:58 PDT 2001

Its "garb optional" but I believe my lord said it best "In this group garb
optional means if you wear garb you maybe in the company of two others".
Most people come after work and so they are in mundane clothes.

Lady Caelainn
Gate's Edge Minister of Children

-----Original Message-----
From: gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org
[mailto:gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Peer2
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 5:22 PM
To: Gate's Edge
Subject: [Gatesedge] Populace Details


I've got a really serious, vital, important, critical question about the GE
populace meeting.

Garbed or not?

It just occurred to me that I might not want to show up naked. That might
expose me to ridicule, verbal abuse, slander, etc. And you certainly don't
want me exposing myself.

Also, I could use some info on wrap-up times, post-meet stuff, etc.

-- Ld. Cedric Aeschere Einarrson
-- Village Scapegoat Extraordinare

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