[Gatesedge] MSF

Gwynafwy /Jennifer gwyn_26 at hotmail.com
Tue May 15 07:47:57 PDT 2001

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
I just wanted to remind you that I need the write-ups for the MSF booklet
today.  I would like to get all text placed and proof done by the weekend.  I
thank you for your help in this endeavor.

Prizes are going along very well I am pleased with everyone's help.  If you
have promised to donate a prize and have not been able to give them to me as
of yet - Please call me a.s.a.p.
I wish to thank everyone for their help in making this MSF potentially a great
event.  I know that it will be a great event from all the efforts that the
populace have done for this event.
I thank you and keep up the great work.


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