[Gatesedge] Gates Edge Business meeting Minutes 5/21

Jennifer Toland jtoland at cengines.com
Wed May 30 09:26:00 PDT 2001

Gate's Edge Business Meeting Minutes May 21, 2001

Officer's Reports

	Minister of Arts and Sciences- Milady Kvinne
		Sewing guild was held second Thursday, regalia was worked on, 		next
Sewing guild meeting will be Second Thursday in June.

		Brewers Guild will hold its next meeting May 26, and will begin 		meeting
regularly again.

	Equestrian Marshal- Lady Guenevere
		the next equestrian practice will be June 17th at Camelot Horse 		Farm in
Tomball.  No authorizations will be done at Midsummer 		Faire, if you need
to borrow a horse to compete in Midsummer let 		her know ASAP.

	Minister of Children- Lady Caelainn
		We are still having activities at meetings, ideas are always 		welcome.

	Archery Marshal- Baron Talmon
		Next shoot will be at midsummer June 1-3.  Future practices will 		resume
at Talmon's place.

	Chivalric Marshal- Lord Bowen
		Practices continue Sundays at Mu's

	Hospitaler- Lord Bowen
		No newcomers meeting in May.  The demo at Montgomery School went 		well,
"The demo was a hoot!" Demo at Tinsletown has already 		produced a few

	Rapier Marshal- Lord Ciaran
		Practices continue Wednesdays in The Woodlands, we have been 		having fun
doing bear pits, and drills.  All are welcome to come 		out.

	Herald- Lady Seren
		Magnus will be attending Midsummer Faire and can bring any 			materials
needed it you contact him ahead of time.

	Treasurer- Milady Cynthia
		Canton is in good financial standings.  If you have receipts for
Midsummer try to consolidate them before giving them to her.  		There is a
new regional treasurer.

	Chronicler- Lady Linnet (absent)
		Submit anything SCA to her for the Over the Edge


Old/New Business
	Midsummer Faire
		Games-need someone to coordinate, Lady Rhonda cannot attend
		Feast- 94 reservation already
		Site looks good will have a work day Sunday June 27 to Mow etc.  		Have
lots of signs to put up.  Archery and equestrian have 			switched locations.
Thursday May 31, Eadric will be on site from 		3pm on so you can set up camp
sites.  He will be on site all day 		Friday.

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