[Gatesedge] updated info

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at houston.rr.com
Tue Sep 25 04:14:36 PDT 2001

Unto the gentle populous of Gate's Edge does your chronicler, Damask De Bier
send greetings, and fond wishes for your health and happiness.

It's time to update your information for the Canton and our worthy
publication called "Over the Edge".  A few people have moved, we have some
new officers and a "changing of the guard" has just occurred with the
chronicler's office.

For officers:  please send your office, SCA name, mundane name, address and
email address.
For Subscribers to our publication:  please send your SCA name, mundane name
and current mailing address.

Reports, articles and artwork shall be given to the chroniclers office by
the 15th of each month.  This month will be the exception as I will print
this Wednesday evening for mailing by Friday, so get your office's report to
me no later than 4 PM this Wednesday.  Sorry to put you under pressure, just
a note to the populous about your schedule will do for this month.

I look forward to serving our fair Canton, Barony and Kingdom.

I remain in service........

Lady Damask De Bier

Chronicler; until further notice

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