[Gatesedge] Rapier Practice

Carluccio di Baia carluccio at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 27 10:41:10 PDT 2002

Greetings unto the populace of Gate's Edge,

I am pleased to announce that Gate's Edge will once again hold a weekly
rapier practice. This practice will be conjoined with our ongoing weekly
chivalric practice, which is held on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm at the home
of Lord Mattius. I hope to see all Gate's Edge persons with an interest in
the rapier arts in attendance. I look forward to the continuing development
of the Gate's Edge rapier community. For more information about practice,
refer to the canton calander.

Most humbly in service,
Lord Carluccio di Baia
carluccio at hotmail.com

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