[Gatesedge] List News and Information

Stephen Macthomas macthomas at houston.rr.com
Mon Dec 16 07:16:29 PST 2002

Greetings to the list from your friendly neighborhood listowner:

It has come to my attention that, since I've made the change to
subscribers-only posting (non-subscribers have to have their posts approved)
that we have seen a drastic reduction in the amount of spam that we get
through the list.  Some of you who see other lists might have noticed that
sometimes they get spammed.  Don't worry, we get the same post - it just
gets deleted before y'all ever have to deal with it.  Good on us.

The problem is that there's quite a few of you who post from work addresses
and the like that are not subscribed to the list for various reasons, not
limited to "I don't want my work mailbox clogged with SCA stuff."  Can't say
as I blame you there.  The problem is that if you are posting a
time-sensitive missive there's a chance that it may not be posted to the
list until it's obsolete, no matter who the listowner is.

The purpose of this missive is to offer a solution.  When you subscribe to
Gatesedge, there's a subscription management page on the Ansteorra server
that allows you to adjust your subscription.  Usually this is where the
digest option is selected, or where you unsubscribe from the list.  However,
there's also an option called "nomail".

"Nomail" allows you to subscribe to the list but not receive any postings
from it in any manner, regular or digest.  In practical use, it would
consider a work address to be a subscribing member and would thus allow any
postings to go through (provided the spam filters don't catch it, of course,
and they're pretty good about figuring out what's spam and what's not)
without intervention by the listowner.  It would also keep that mailbox from
filling up with SCA-related information.

If you have a secondary (or even primary) address that you'd like to be
subscribed with the "nomail" option, please contact me off-list to do so.

Gatesedge Listowner

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