[Gatesedge] Academy of the Rapier and June date

Crystal Lewis ladygwensca at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 20 07:55:37 PST 2002

Greetings Lord Brian:

I saw your recent post concerning hosting Academy of the Rapier the last
weekend in June. Just so you know, I have submitted a bid for Kingdom
Heraldic and Scribal Symposium for that date, hosted by the Canton of
Westgate. At this time I don't know if we have been awarded the event or
not, but as soon as I know (which will be after Jan 1) I will pass the
information along to you. My apologies for the inconvenience. I would love
to see this event hosted by Gate's Edge, especially with such a strong
rapier community located in our region. Talk soon.

Until then...
Lady Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon

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