[Gatesedge] Populace Meeting This Thursday!!!!
Paul Gilbert
niklas at pbgilbert.net
Tue Feb 5 09:37:36 PST 2002
The Populace meeting of the Barony of Raven's Fort will be held this
Thursday evening, Feb 7th at 7pm in the Huntsville Fire Dept, Fire Station
#2 located on Sam Houston Ave between Taco Bell and the US Army Reserve
This is an Arts & Sciene Populace. There will be a program dealing with the
art of Stained Glass that will be presented by Lady Ayla von der Weise and
HE Chrystal Ariana MacRuari. They will be showing the beauty and procedures
of Stained Glass construction.
Following their presentation, there will be open time for persons to show
and work on other A&S projects if they brought them.
Dinner will follow after the meeting at a location to be determined.
Any questions or needs about the Populace meeting may be directed to HE
Kezia, HE Niklas or Lady Clarissima.
Hope to see all there.
In Service,
HE Niklas
Baron of Raven's Fort
Data Marketing Associates, Inc. | Houston, Texas
pgilbert at datamktg.com | 281-579-2995
Paul Gilbert, KE5ZW H.E. Niklas Vasilevich,
Huntsville, Texas Baron of The Barony Raven's Fort
niklas at pbgilbert.net CSM, Crane, ORH, KGA , AoA
936-291-9532 home Kingdom of Ansteorra
936-581-5632 cellular Society for Creative Anachronism
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