[Gatesedge] Thank you

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at houston.rr.com
Sun Feb 10 06:58:46 PST 2002

Unto the kind and hard working gentles of Gate's Edge does Lady Damask de
Bier send greetings and fond wishes for continued health and happiness.

Well now, what can I say about the Pestilence ball?

I believe it was quite a success!

I wish to thank everyone who helped with the ball (and there were many),
Lady Cynthia, my co-autocrat who thought of the things that I did not---- we
made a great team (as badminton combatants we did less well, I choose to
blame the equipment), Lady Arianwyn, a most superior feast, beautifully
executed and served!

Unto Zelda the beggar woman, your license to beg shall be extended
throughout your life time and need never be renewed! Stephan, an exceptional
act, your death will be written in the annals of bardic history.  Signy, the
play was a blast!  Iaen you had courage to go along with me when I said
"trust me, they will want to shoot at rats".  Heinrich, the badminton
tournament went off without a hitch, a few sunburns maybe (well, again, I
blame the equipment).  Maria, you do sing like a bird!  Ihon, you dance, you
sing, you play the guitar........ is there anything you CAN'T do?  Kat, the
tireless gate keeper (I will make sure you get a break next time!)  Tegan,
whose voice carries far and pleasantly.

Serin, Bowen, Natasha, Mattius, Lisabetta and Fiametta, was there a time
when you WEREN'T working?  I never saw you stop.  You were there in the
beginning and stayed until the end.  I can not thank you enough for your

Carluccio, Alisstasia, Brongar, Trian, Tulus, Eadric, Evelun, Katherine and
Karl, you were in and out all day doing one thing or another.

To those who worked all day in the kitchen and served feast, thank you, I do
not even know some of your names but we couldn't have done it without you.

Last but not least, at the end of the day we had a "situation" with the
kitchen sink.  Only a few people knew about it, mostly due to Stephan and
John who rangled hoses and snakes in a valiant effort to allow us to wash
dishes and mop the floor.  THANK YOU!  Gerald, thanks for the loan of the

Gate's Edge, a hearty VIVAT! on a job well done.

As always,
Damask (Hmmmmmmmmmmm......... what should I do now?)

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