[Gatesedge] nope it is sat :) Fw: Work day to assemble Gulf War Reservation Packets

kimberly kdwells at cox-internet.com
Thu Feb 28 19:44:23 PST 2002

<talk2ps at houston.rr.com>; "Rikki Mitman" <rikkim at houston.rr.com>; "Sandra
White" <swhite at pegasus-international.com>; "Sara Galley"
<saragalley at yahoo.com>; "Scott Jakel" <scott.jakl at csoconline.com>; "Stephen
MacThomas" <macthomas at ev1.net>; "Steven L. Holt" <sholt at boyerinc.com>;
"Tegan Gwyllt" <tegangwyllt at mail.ev1.net>; "Terri Walker"
<isabeauq at ev1.net>; "Ulsted the Unsteady" <JohnS at spacehab.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3:22 PM
Subject: Work day to assemble Gulf War Reservation Packets

> Greetings All,
> You are receiving this message because you have either been a part of the
> Black Star "Lick and Stick" crew, or you volunteered to help Dame Fiona
> together the reservation packets.  We will be doing this on Saturday March
> 2, 2002 at the house of Godwin and Lissa.  We will be starting around 4:00
> pm and going until it is finished.  We should be able to finish in 3-4
> depending on the number of people who can come.
> At this time the plan is to get/make dinner after the work is complete.
> There are many restaurants around, we could order in or get fixings to
> burgers or something.  I would suggest everyone bring what they want to
> drink, (I will have ice chests and Ice), and some munchies to share.
> Please RSVP to djurgens at energygraphics.com.  Please, everyone, let me know
> if they can or can not come.  If I do not hear from you by noon on Friday,
> will assume that you will not be able to be there.  I need get an accurate
> head count so that I can be sure there will be enough people to finish in
> reasonable time.
> I hope to see many of you on Saturday.
> In Service,
> Sir Godwin of Edington
> Baron of Stargate

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