[Gatesedge] Thank you

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Sun Feb 10 09:30:35 PST 2002

To My Friends and Family of Gate's Edge,

I just want to take a moment to tell you how much the honor I was given to
hold the Sable Comet for service to this, my extended family, means to me.
As many of you know, I have been with Gate's Edge for a long, long time.
Not from the very beginning as some may think, but very nearly so.  Talmon,
Fenris, Fedelm, and I believe Patrick hold the honor of having been at the
very first meeting where the original name of Fyreamptewealde (Fire Ant
Meadow in Welsh) was chosen.

Anyway, I have watched the Canton struggle and grow for well over a decade
now.  I am proud to have been a part of such a wonderful group of loving,
caring and talented people.  The thought that even one of you feel that I am
worthy of recognition means a great deal to me.  I wish to extend a
heartfelt thank you to that person or persons and to all who felt that this
honor was deserved whether you actually submitted my name for recognition or
wish you had.  I have been recognized for service at both the baronial level
and twice at the kingdom level, but to be recognized by those you work with
and for every day is the most special and, to me, means the most.  As I
close, remember that each of you holds a special place in my heart and my
memory.  I love each of you very much.  Until then, I remain...

In Service,
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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