[Gatesedge] Again

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Tue Jul 2 10:20:59 PDT 2002

Greetings unto the List,

I asked this before MSF part 1 but I figure I didn't see any replies due to
how busy we all were.  So I'll ask again as a reminder.  Does anyone have a
spare 2, 3, or 4 drawer file cabinet that they are no longer using and wish
to be rid of?  I am willing to pay a fair price for a used file cabinet and
I will be glad to pick it up from you.  I prefer to reuse and restore rather
than buy new as it fits in with my environmental principals better.  Please
let me know privately if you can help me out.  Contact me at:

hlannes at ev1.net

Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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