[Gatesedge] Proposal to the List

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Tue Jul 2 04:39:07 PDT 2002

I like this idea.  It's done on many of the lists I subscribe to and I have
not noticed any delay in service nor have I heard anyone who is not
subscribed complaining that their "legitimate" posts were overly delayed.
My concern is what happens if/when the list moderator (yourself or whoever
takes it from you) goes out of town for a weekend/week/month etc.  What
contingency plans do you have for this?  Do you have a deputy who can
moderate in your place?  I would volunteer to do this but you would have to
train me.  I would love to learn.

Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Macthomas" <macthomas at houston.rr.com>
To: "Gate's Edge (List)" <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: [Gatesedge] Proposal to the List

> Greetings:
> Because of the ever-increasing number of spam messages that seem to be
> getting through the filters, I am considering a change to our filters that
> will allow only subscribers to post to the list.  Posts from
> (like our recent "friend" overseas) will be forwarded to the
> attention for approval.  This means that future messages such as this will
> not get through, and SCA-topical announcements from non-subscribers will
> posted, just with a bit of a delay.  For the subscribers, nothing will
> change except - hopefully - the frequency that we see messages such as
> appear on our list.
> I'm going to open this suggestion to the list to see what the general
> thought is on making this change and act accordingly after one week (i.e.
> just before our populace meeting next week).
> The floor is yours ...
> In service to the list,
> Stephen Macthomas
> Gatesedge List Administrator
> Stephen Macthomas
> Canton of Gate's Edge
> - - - - - - - - - -
> Quarterly azure and argent, six towers counterchanged
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> Gatesedge mailing list
> Gatesedge at ansteorra.org
> http://www.ansteorra.org/mailman/listinfo/gatesedge

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