[Gatesedge] Help with Translations

Bob Galley midgarn at houston.rr.com
Tue Jul 9 13:44:21 PDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org On Behalf Of D. Vandever
> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 12:15 PM
> Subject: [Gatesedge] Help with Translations
> Dear Friends,
> As many of you know, Gate's Edge is working to be named a shire instead of
> canton.  There is a movement among the populace that we rename the canton
> something else in light of our new (hopefully impending)status.  I said I
> would try to see if I could find a translation for Gate's Edge into
> language so that the name is changed but the history is still there.  We
> may, of course, end up getting something completely different but I,
> personally, would like to see something of our history remain in place.

Greek: (From www.kypros.org) Modern Greek only: Ancient Greek came up empty.
Gate: pyli
Edge: Akro (border, brim, edge, extreme, extremity -- sounds too much like
acro- to me.) cheilos (brim, brink, edge, labium, ledge, lip ... A second
word found would hint that 'cheilos pylium' might be the compound formation)
kopsi (edge) akonizo (edge, grind, sharpen, whet -- obviously not our
preferred meaning)

Nikolaos (BoB)

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