[Gatesedge] gardening on Saturday

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Thu Mar 14 14:14:07 PST 2002

Hello everybody!

Just a reminder that if you stayed home from the war and feel the need to do
something medieval that afrom 10 am on until whenever, I will be planting
herb-like things out at my home and doing outdoorsey green type stuff.  Come
on out and sit and kitbitz/lend advice/B.S. or take a nap for all I
care...Saturday has a chance of showers but oh well...plants don't
wait...soapwort, wormwood and woad have already been planted...I've some
pretty flowers and marigolds to plant and corn, carrots and tomatoes to
plant.  Friday is going to the nursery day and there will be more I'm sure
to plant.  Come on out and visit.  Bring what you want to drink...Lunch
and/or supper might happen....bring a
chair...sunscreen...music...handcrafts...garden tools... gloves... hat...
plants if you've got em.... there may be a plant id time... pruning...who
knows what will happen...  My big fuzzy Viking is visiting and he is doing
his magic to my home as usual...  So come on out if you can and you want
to...  life is good...

Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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