[Gatesedge] Re: [Ravensfort] Re: Dinner, Gulf Wars Pity Party

Paul Gilbert niklas at pbgilbert.net
Wed Mar 13 07:02:15 PST 2002

Hi All.....

Ok, here is where the Taipei Bistro is.....

25807 I-45.

This is north of the strip mall where the Kyotos Japanese place is. It is
on the west feeder road of I-45. New Building, set back about 20 yards from
road, Tan and brown's in color.

I would suggest getting on the west feeder and travel up or down (depends
on your point of view) at Rayford/Sawdust for the folks from the south and
at the Woodlands from the north.

We will be there at 7pm or before and here is my cell phone number if
someone needs help.


I am telling them we need table for about 15 or so.

Bonnie, it is up to you if you wish to have a separate table. But for now I
am including all of you in the count.

Hope to see many there.

If possible, please let me know if you are coming.


HE Niklas

At 08:40 PM 3/12/02 -0600, Stephen Macthomas wrote:
>Cool!  So, uh, where is this place?
>Inquiring Bellie, er, Minds Wanna Know
> > SOunds good!!!!
> >
> > Taipai it is at 7pm, Wed night!
>Ravensfort mailing list
>Ravensfort at ansteorra.org

                 Data Marketing Associates, Inc.  |  Houston, Texas
                         pgilbert at datamktg.com  |  281-579-2995
Paul Gilbert,   KE5ZW                   H.E. Niklas Vasilevich,
Huntsville, Texas                       Baron of The Barony Raven's Fort
niklas at pbgilbert.net                    CSM, Crane, ORH, KGA , AoA
936-291-9532 home                               Kingdom of Ansteorra
936-581-5632 cellular                           Society for Creative
                               AIM Name: KE5ZW

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