[Gatesedge] Gifts for MSF

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Wed May 15 06:24:04 PDT 2002

Hello Everyone!

For those that were not at populace, I distributed a
"wish list" for the MSF gift baskets.  However, I did
not go over all the reasons for its creation.

1. There are multiple listings that involve creating a
personalize gift.  The idea behind this was to pair 2
individuals that might otherwise not donate.  (One
with supplies and no time and another that might have
some free time but no money->I know I might be
dreaming thinking that SCA folk have time, but just
being a member proves that I live somewhat in a
fantasy world...)If you would like to be paired up
with someone, please let me know.

2. I tried to aim the list at providing individuals
with tools to assist them in the craft they won
recognition in. (i.e. they will probably USE the

3. As we go through the process of becoming a shire, I
would like to use every possible means of drawing
those around us to events.  It shows that we are an
active and responsible group.  Also, as entrants
increase and competition increases (yes, this is also
a plug for everyone to PARTICIPATE), the prestige of
being a Gate's Edge Banner Holder increases.  I would
love to hear of people being drawn from far (and near)
lands to MSF each year because the quality of
participants allows for a higher level of education
and knowledge exchange (which is what it's all about=)

If anyone would like an electronic copy of the list,
please contact me at natashastorfer at yahoo.com.

In service,
Natasha of Gate’s Edge

Don't be afraid of opposition; Remember a kite rises
against, not with the wind.

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