[Gatesedge] Loch Gaurdian is over!!!

lisabetta lisabetta at ansteorra.net
Mon May 20 11:22:32 PDT 2002

Greetings all,

I wanted to take a little bit of space here and send out some well deserved
thanks you.
If it was not for the wonderful people here in the Canton of Gatesedge and
the Barony of Loch Soillier I would not of pulled this off as well as we
First and foremost, Lady Anne de Bruyeres without your guidance, and support
before the event I would not of  made it to the event. Then for all the
cooking, on Friday and Saturday and the cleaning after I hurt my back thank
you so much, I will never be able to repay what kindness you have shown.
Second, Lord William of Warren, you are wonderful... You stood by when I
needed to vent, you offered to cook all the meat you were in the kitchen for
over 12 hours cooking and cleaning, more then I had imaged anyone doing. If
there is ever anything I can do... just ask..
Third, Lady Elizabetta de Medici thank you so much for the deserts, and the
baked penne, and the gifts.And for remerging lunch for the entire kitchen
staff on Saturday when I had forgotten.
Fourth,  M'lady Evelun Lambert, Thank you Thank you... for getting Lady Anne
there, for helping in prep on Friday night wee hours of  the morning, for
conversation, and for Saturday night.
Fifth, Lord Trian, thank you for canceling your plans for Saturday and
coming and helping us do whatever we asked of you.
Sixth, Lady Caterina Thank you for coming in and going a helping hand, and
thank you for the assistance in cooking, and in the medicinal help.
Seventh, Lord Pace Fiero Sousa.. thank you for letting me volunteer you for
my Head Server and for making the feast get served so quickly and easily..
Eighth, Baron Michael Silverhands THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

and Last but not least,
Bianca Celia da Vale my daughter who, came up with the idea for the
children's feast, and who made it happened. She also created their dessert.
She understood how picky her mommy is when it comes to certain things and
was wonderful when mommy was being cranky..

and too the populace of the event,
Thank you for being their and letting me feed you.

In Service,
Lady Lisabetta Micola da Monte

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