[Gatesedge] Workdays and worknights for Cour d'Amour

Kelly Rhodes corsair at concentric.net
Mon Nov 18 13:45:13 PST 2002

Ah, it's fall, and the smell of work is in the air *sniff sniff*

Yes, our November event still creeps apace. Actually, it's sprinting at the
moment. Things need to be finished up! What sorts of things? And what can
you do to help, dear folks?

We will be having work evenings at the Storfer SCA Community Center, aka
James and Tasha's house. Yes, the same place where fighter practices (and
various other things) are held. These two have graciously allowed us to
invade their lovely home this week to work on the championship scrolls, site
tokens, and other bits and bobs. We will be meeting there around 7pm
tonight, and Tuesday night, and possibly more often. Drinks will be
provided, and a dessert, but for the rest yer on yer own. Lady Natalia asked
me to send her apologies for her 'messy' home, as they've been working hard
at TRF, but I am sure the house is as welcoming as always.

We also plan to have workdays at the site beginning Wednesday, God willing
and the creek don't rise. If weather permits we will be out there to mow,
sweep, weed, wipe down the privies and generally clean up. Friday, of
course, will be set-up day. Please come out and help on any workday. I will
post times to the list when I know them.


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