[Gatesedge] Herbalist at Fighter Practice

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Wed Oct 9 18:16:54 PDT 2002

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Just a heads up to all interested parties,

NEXT Thursday, Oct. 17, will be a discussion of herbal dyeing practices.  This is to dovetail and suppliment what the Homemakers Guild is doing with their textiles theme.  This particular subject can take days and days to thoroughly discuss and we will only scratch the surface.  I have been researching diligently all this month and Wow! have I some references for the budding dyer to mull over.  Handouts will happen.  Please RSVP me off list at hlannes at ev1.net if you intend to participate so I will have enough handouts for everyone.  Until then, I remain...

In Service,
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen


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