[Gatesedge] Help!
Stephen Macthomas
macthomas at houston.rr.com
Fri Oct 25 07:14:37 PDT 2002
Greetings my friends:
I have a rather urgent request.
As many of you know, Tegan and I are to be married on October 31st (this
coming Thursday) at Annes' home. Annes is reporting that her back yard is a
lake, and that with more rain expected through the weekend, even if the
waters recede by Thursday, the ground will still be soaked enough for the
tromping of lots of wedding feet to do some considerable damage to her land,
something I decidedly don't wish to do. Annes has suggested that we search
for an alternate site.
The ceremony is not a traditional religious ceremony; therefore most
churches will not touch it and are likely already booked for alternate
Halloween activities anyway. We're calling around to see what we can find,
but while we're doing that, we thought we'd ask - does anyone have high
ground land that we might borrow for our wedding?
The ceremony is brief - probably no more than a half-hour - and the
reception will be almost as short. I expect that we'll be there no more
than two or two and a half hours total.
The closer or more easliy accessible to the 249/1960 area, the better, as we
will have a private function for the wedding party following the ceremony
and reception.in that part of town.
I hate to ask at the last possible minute, but our inclement weather plans
provided for wetness from above - not below.
Please e-mail me off-list at macthomas at houston.rr.com ASAP if you can either
volunteer your land or have a suggestion.
Thanks ever so much for your time. And yes, as soon as the site is
confirmed, we'll put an announcement to the list inviting the group to come.
On behalf of my ladywife-to-be, we remain faithful in friendship and
Lord Stephen Macthomas and Lady Tegan Gwyllt
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