[Gatesedge] Fw: Hello from far away

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Fri Sep 27 19:17:00 PDT 2002

Here is a blast from the past.  Alys was senechal of Gate's Edge after I was
senechal the first time.  Y'all drop her a line and tell her how big we've
gotten.  Introduce yourselves and let her see how good we all are now!

Yes, Alys, we still hear from Patricia.  I don't think she is on our list.
We have shire status in the works (at last) and we are just bouncing along.
Somebody get the GE website to this lovely lady.  She and her Lord are a
MAJOR part of our former history.  It was during Dungall's stint as
seneschal (after me and before Alys) that we lost our incipient status and
became a full-fledged Canton.  More later and I'm sure some of our good
citizens will want to send you a hello.  You ought to get yourself added to
our email list (see above).  You can subscribe thru the Ansteorran email
list serve.
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen
----- Original Message -----
From: "JAYME LIPSCOMB" <JLIPSCOMB at spsd.net>
To: <hlannes at ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 12:47 PM
Subject: Hello from far away

Hey everyone,
             It's me Alys!!! Had some down time between classes so I'd
thought I'd say hello. Tell everyone who remembers us HI!!!  Also if any of
them wants my email address give it out.  Have you or anyone seen
Patrica....I haven't heard from her since your flood last year.....

Bell is ringing gotta' go


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