[Gatesedge] email

Young, Carolyn Carolyn.Young at goodmanmfg.com
Mon Apr 7 09:47:43 PDT 2003

Hi gang,

We finally figured out why we haven't been able to access the internet for
the last several days.  One, or more, of the cats got into the computer room
and unplugged us.  Now all I have to do is work my way over to Bill's desk,
figure out where the connection is and plug it back in.  Those of you who
have been to my house will understand to magnitude of the problem.  For
those who have not been over, let's just say my husband is a pack-rat; it's
not pretty, and let it go at that.

Anyway,  if anyone has been trying to reach me, I really wasn't ignoring you
so please use my office address for the next week  or so (until I can find a
hard hat, flashlight and rope long enough to reach the other side of Bill's
room)  --        	Carolyn.Young at goodmanmfg.com


Carolyn B. Young
Goodman Mfg.
IT - Branch Support
713/861.2500 ext 425

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