[Gatesedge] Changes in College of Scribes

Coastal Regional Scribe coastal_scribe at ansteorra.org
Tue Dec 2 09:28:20 PST 2003


The College of Scribes is making some changes which will affect your 

The Scribal Guild Priciple will now be a warrent officer, as the 

herald, and reeve are.  They will report monthly to the Senschal, B & B 

, and Regional Scribe. 

We are currently accepting applications until the end of December. With 

a person chosen by cornation and the warrent signed at King's Round 


You must be a paid member, and have a vaild Driver's Lic, or Vaild ID 

Please send a photocopy of the above, and an application for office 

which can be found at 


You will need to send all three items, to the Local Senschal, B & B, 

and the Regional Scribe (myself) 

The duties include but are not limited to:
 ** Coordinate Monthly Charter Painting times (you need a good three 

hour block)
 ** Learn what classes your populace would like taught, and coordinate 

 ** Must have either working email or Phone. 
 ** Report monthly to the Senschal, B & B , and Regional Scribe. 

Please if you have any questions, contact me
Home toll free number is 888-256-3866 pin 4497
I'm home after 6:30pm
Work is 832-824-4112
Email is coastal_scribe at ansteorra.org

L'in-servizio con l'amore
La signora Lisabetta Micola da Monte
La vostra vita è la vostro propria...Grippilo

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