[Gatesedge] Cafepress

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Fri Feb 14 09:49:30 PST 2003

Grteetings Everyone,

I have recieved a few questions regarding Cafepress so  I thought I might
give a quick introduction.

Cafepress is a service that allows anyone to setup a shop and sell customized
items.  They have a list of maybe 50 or so items to choose from.  See the
entire choice of products at


You just upload your image,  choose a product from their list, input how
large you want the item printed and in some cases you have a choice of a
couple of positions on the item where you might print and bingo the item is
available for people to order.  The shopkeeper doesn't have to invest any
money or keep any stock as Cafepress just prints on demand.  You can choose
any many or few of their products as you want ot be listed in your store.

When you setup an item you are given a base price for the item.  If you leave
the sale price at the base price then the shopkeeper doesnt make any money
(cafepress is the only to make money).  Or you an up the price of the item
beyond the base price and attempt to make some money.

I have seen other SCA groups use Cafepress before.  I know Elfsea and
Bonwicke  (http://www.cafeshops.com/bonwicke20yr) have done it.  Timothy of
Glastonbury has done a few Novelty SCA shops.  You can setup and many shops
as you want.

I have not marked up the Gates Edge items any so there is not a profit.  For
me me it's a sort of "Show Your Pride" kinda thing.  I could mark things up
a dollar or two and give the money to the Canton.  However, some of the stuff
is expensive enough as it is, and a dollar or few cents here and there is not
going to change the bottom line of the Cantons finances.  If I thoguth we
would sell a LOT of something it would probably be worthwhile to maek thinsg
up a bit and try to make some money for the branch but at our volume I think
it is more important to just have people show their pride.

I have the artwork that I had done just sitting around so it seemed like a
good idea to drop it in a Cafepress shop so that other people enjoy it if
they wanted to.  No obligations, expense, or profit for anyone.

Take a look at the full list of products at the link above and if there is
some other item that Cafepress offers that I did not put in the store that
you would like to order then let me know and I'll add it to the store.


Lord Eadric Anstapa
Kingdom Archery Marshal, Ansteorra
eadric at scabrewer.com

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