[Gatesedge] Mundanity within but still worth reading I think

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Sat Feb 1 08:19:04 PST 2003

Dear Friends and Family,

I am sending this because I think that it is worth hearing about.  If you
are offended by the "mundanity" to some of the specialized lists, I
apologize.  But I hope you agree that this is good to know.

If you have ever considered replacing your incandescent light bulbs with
compact fluorescents but were put off by the higher cost, this is a story
you should hear.

I came home yesterday to find my oldest compact fluorescent was finally
trying to die and flickering feebally in its lamp.  I know it sounds a bit
cheesy but it saddened me just a tad because it was such an old and faithful

You see, I bought that bulb in 1988. I nearly didn't buy it because it was
$17 for the "new fangled" bulbs back then...but I wanted to see if their
claims for superior performance had any basis in reality. It has been my
livingroom "security nightlight" ever since, set on a timer to come on at 6
pm and go off at 7 am.  14 hours per day for 15 years comes out to 76,650
hours of light!  I don't know what that puts its overall cost to but I
figure I've gotten my money's worth over and over again in savings for the
cost of replacement bulbs and electricity saved....it was a 15 watt bulb
that gave the equivalent of 60 watts of light.  Somebody better with math
than I could maybe figure out what that light cost me and saved me over 15

So if you think my experience was a good one, don't hesitate any longer.  I
know that the cost has come down some (I think they are about 10 bucks
now...even more of a bargin) and the ones I've purchased over the years
since this one convinced me of their worth and reliablity are all still
performing like new.


Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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