[Gatesedge] I GOT IT !!!!!!!!!!!

Kathleen MacLaughlen kathleen_maclaughlen at ansteorra.net
Tue Feb 18 11:41:00 PST 2003


>-----Original Message-----
>From: gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org
>[mailto:gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Gwynafwy /Jennifer
>Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:08 PM
>To: PHA at allseas.com; bratina at hic.net; ann at copperowl.com;
>Bafrog13 at aol.com; shawnm at bigmailbox.net; brhee at aol.com;
>gatesedge at ansteorra.org; JurgensHaus at yahoogroups.com;
>kvinne_d at hotmail.com; aardtacha at rgv.rr.com; wiserdom21 at aol.com;
>skyknight7 at aol.com; LdyAleena at aol.com; uther at lcc.net
>Subject: [Gatesedge] I GOT IT !!!!!!!!!!!
>Hi Everyone!!
>I had some great luck today.  I got a BRAND NEW JOB!!!
>I will be back at Pharr, San Juan, Alamo ISD (PSJA) as a clerk in the
>Transportation Dept.  I will be getting all the Holidays and benefits and of
>course MORE money.  YES!! (arm motion included) I am soo excited.
>This brings me a big step closer to my old job and my favorite boss ever!
>My old job was in the district before I moved to Houston.  I loved that job.
>  I can't wait to start.  I will be able to drive up to events more often
>and see everyone there.
>Love to all and Happy Valentine's Day!
>Gwyn (Jenny M)
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Kathleen MacLaughlen newly of Bryn Gwlad,
formerly of Gate's Edge

mka Liz Baker

Minstrel (I do not presume to be a Bard just yet!)
sometime-Herald (hey, I have a loud, carrying voice)
Whatever-needs-doing person

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