[Gatesedge] Who's Going to Gulf Wars?

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Fri Jan 24 20:05:33 PST 2003

I'm camping with a large blonde good-looking Viking in a big red huge A
frame tent which could be in the middle of a stinking swamp and I wouldnt
care so long as he was there to smile at me but it will probably be in the
Bjornsborg camp since he's kinda stuck with them seeing as how his knight is
the baron and is gonna be there...Food....oh yeah...supposed to eat...I know
where I will be if the greek guys are doing their gyros again....as for
traveling...again the big blonde viking is gonna pick me up and carry me off
to war....sigh...how romantic.....plans are to do that as early as we
can...probably Sunday but I'm hoping for Saturday with a layover (don't go
there) Sunday night in Slidell to get there in line when the gate's open on
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Snorri inn kyrri Hallsson" <snorri at houston.rr.com>
To: "(List) Gate's Edge" <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:51 PM
Subject: [Gatesedge] Who's Going to Gulf Wars?

> And who's camping where?  Who's feeding who?  And who's traveling when?
> Inquiring minds, etc.
> Snorri inn kyrri Hallsson
> an Icelander bearing a strong resemblance to Stephen Macthomas
> -------------------------
> The probability that you forgot to pack something is directly proportional
> to the distance of the event times the necessity of the item. - Steffan ap
> Kennydd, "Silverwing's Laws"
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