[Gatesedge] New Comer's Meeting 1/30/03

jessica osborne jettieosborne at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 31 19:28:28 PST 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

A major "crisis" came up and I missed coming to the meeting. Would it be
possible to pick up the patterns at the poplace meeting?
>From: "Manley, Stephanie"
>Reply-To: gatesedge at ansteorra.org
>Subject: [Gatesedge] New Comer's Meeting 1/30/03
>Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 09:24:39 -0600
>This is scheduled for 7:30 through 9pm. You may feel free to show up
>ahead of time. I will be serving a light dinner around 6:45 if you
>would like to attend eariler, and don't have enough time to grab dinner
>on the way. Please see the website for directions. I will be giving
>out patterns for basic tunics and a chemise. Also, if possible please
>let me know ahead of time if you plan on attending, I have not cut out
>patterns, and I don't want to waste your time if you show up by us
>spending too much time on cutting out the pattern and not going over
>potential fabrics and what you can do with the design of your choice.
>Gatesedge mailing list
>Gatesedge at ansteorra.org

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