[Gatesedge] July Populace Meeting Minutes

lisabetta lisabetta at houston.rr.com
Mon Jul 21 13:15:19 PDT 2003

at 20th yr we had some really nice fire, unfortunally they damanged 
lots of people's stuff... 
and the best quests I have ever been a part of were there .. 

at 25th, I was on crutches ( go figure ) had to leave site twice 
to go back to dallas and get my cast re done cause i kept breaking 
it ;) 
but while i was there the pagentry that went one was wonderful.. 

30 I didn't go to, but 40th in 2 years I will :) 

At Monday, 21 July 2003, you wrote:

>the Society's 20th was held out at the TRF site and 25th was held in
>Burnett, TX.  The 30th was held in An Tir.  I started playing in 
the SCA
>right after its 20th year celebration, but I went to the 25th and 30th
>Carolyn B. Young
>Goodman Mfg.
>IT - Branch
>713/861.2500 ext 425

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