[Gatesedge] Guardian of the Gate Nominations

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Thu Jun 5 05:40:06 PDT 2003

Greetings Unto the List!

With our upcoming MSF comes our annual plea to the populace to suggest
persons to be considered for recognition for our canton service
award-Guardian of the Gate. When you are thinking of whom to suggest to the
members of this group, please keep a few criteria in mind.

Are they a member of the SCA? Have they played in the Canton for a minimum
of 3 years? Have they held offices for the Canton? Have they autocrated
events for the Canton? Have they written articles/art for the newsletter?
Have they taught classes to the Canton? Have they been a feastocrat for the
Canton events? Have they held or started guilds for the Canton? Do they
attend populace meetings, event planning meetings, officer meetings? Do they
consistantly support the activities of the Canton?

There are probably additional criteria one should consider but right now
they are escaping me (1st cup of coffee here) Being awarded Guardian does
not mean someone has to meet all the above criteria but they should meet a
deal of it. Please think carefully and then suggest your candidate to any of
the following present members of the Guardians of the Gate.

HE, Baron Talmon Wilbanks of Twyce Holey Wood
HL Annes Clotilde von Bamburg
HL Signy Gandalfsdotter
Lord Nickolaus Dimetriu Ho Toxhotes (moved)
Lady Simone La Rousse (Moved)
Lady Caitlin nan Cnoc Airgead
HL Fedelm ni Uhir (spelling is wrong, sorry)
HL Fenris of Twyrcross (not sure I have that right either)
Lord Ian Mor
Lord Eadric Anstapa

I believe this is a complete list. Please speak to any of these people to
make your suggestions.

I wish to also mention that our loved Baronness, HE Adelicia Brabent, was a
Guardian along with HE Talmon. She is always, and in all ways, missed.

In Service,
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

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