[Gatesedge] [Fwd: College Demo]

Shane Wallace sdwsdw30 at totalzone.com
Tue Nov 18 12:48:36 PST 2003

Greetings unto The Barony of Raven's Fort & The Shire of Gatesedge,

The Montgomery College demo is quickly approaching, November 22nd.
This is a wonderful opportunity for both groups to gain new members.
Montgomery College is located in the southern part of Raven's Fort 
and just minutes away from our good neighbors in the Shire of Gatesedge.
So if you can spare a few hours on the 22nd of November we could us all
types of A&S projects, Heavy and Light Fighters, Bards, and Dancers. 
If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Lady Clarissima
at ldyclarissima at yahoo.com

The college has a website so you may check it out ! ! !


In Service to the Dream, Kingdom, and Barony,
Lord Malcolm de Crauford
Seneschal of the Barony of Raven's Fort

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