[Gatesedge] Seer's Guild - Bowling in Garb *update*

Gróa groa at houston.rr.com
Mon Oct 20 18:28:15 PDT 2003

Greetings to all of you!

I have an update on the next Seer's Guild meeting - Bowling in Garb.  It does not seem that we will be able to reserve lanes at AMF The Woodlands for next Monday night (their leagues have started and they have no lanes to spare).  But do not give up hope, for I have found another fair establishment that would be happy to have us next Monday.  The Tomball Bowling Center, at 14435 F.M. 2920 in Tomball, had lanes open for next Monday night.  They do not take reservations for groups of less than 25 people so there is no need for a deposit.  Those of you that gave donations for the deposit at populace will get your money back next Monday so that you can put that towards your shoe rental and the cost of the games.  And speaking of that here's what the costs are:

$3.75 per person per game
$2.75 for shoe rental

I thought we could all meet there at the bowling alley at 7:00 pm next Monday and go from there.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me off list at groa at houston.rr.com or 281-651-0781 (please no calls after 10pm).

Hope to see everyone there!

Gróa Ulfsdottir
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