[Gatesedge] Scribal Request and Information

lisabetta lisabetta at houston.rr.com
Sun Oct 19 20:16:42 PDT 2003

I will be turning in some more to mahee tuesday at populace.. and 
tasha if you have any bring them to me monday at officer's



At Sunday, 19 October 2003, you wrote:

>Unto Natalia and the Gate's Edge Scribes does Curstaidh Magorlick,
Sable Scroll, send greetings!
>First and foremost, thank you so very much for all the help you 
all have given in painting award charters!  I truly appreciate all 
the painting and enthusiastic endeavors of your group!
>Secondly, please keep it up!  ; )      There are several more events 
coming up and it warms the heart to be able to use such good, quality 
work from your group and guild.  
>With warm regards and hopeful anticipation of painted charters to 
be turned in, 
>Dame CurstaidhNatasha Storfer <natashastorfer at yahoo.com> wrote:
>To the Talented Populace of Gate's Edge,Looking at our upcoming 
calander, I noticed that dueto the holidays (and my decision to have 
a tuesdayoff) there are only three more charter paintingmeetings 
before the new year (one a month-October28th, November 11th and December 
9th). However, thenumber of events being held is about to increasevastly 
as we more towards the holiday season. Imention this because many 
awards are given out at thistime of year and I would like to encourage 
one and allto come out to participate, if you are able, to assistwith 
the need for award scrolls. Also, Yule is quickly aproaching, and 
with it theCoastal Regional Scribal Challenge. The note belowwas 
recently sent out, and I also challenge all noblescribes and artisans 
to participate:"In an effort to enrich our Kingdom's
> Scribalcommunity, I am sponsoring a Scribal Challenge..for teh 
scribes in the Coastalregion.I issue each of you to make new Charters 
Masters foreither the Kingdom or the three Baronies in the Coastal 
Region. The Categories are as follows: Advanced ScribesOriginal Kingdom 
Level Award Blank Charter Master or Original Baronial Award Blank 
Charter Master Beginner ScribesOriginal Kingdom Level Award Blank 
Charter Master or Original Baronial Award Blank Charter Master Entries 
can be a combined effort i.e. one does theillumination and one does 
the calligraphy. Documentation is required for KingdomLevel Awards.
All entries need to be to me by Stargate Yule dec 14th2003. You 
can get them to me before hand or bring them theday of. I am requesting,
all that are going to enter to sendme a letterstating so by Nove 
15th 2003. Prizes for both leve!
> include a wonderfully craftedBox about 15 inches tall by 12 inches 
wide I think ( it isn't here for me tomeasure) With the Scribe's 
badge on the front of it. Various supplies, and hopefully some books.
Also AGift Certificate for either Texas Art supply or Cheap Joe's.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.Lady Lisabetta 
Micola da MonteCoastal Region Scribe"I look forward to seeing you 
at our meetings and yourentries for the challenge!In Service,Lady 
Natalia AuvertHead of the Gate's Edge Scribal Guild__________________________________Do 
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