[Gatesedge] Event Announcement for Sept 13

Chari Breiner cecelie at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 9 20:31:16 PDT 2003

Good gentles of Ansteorra, Their Excellences, Baron Godwin of Eddington and Baroness Elissena de Bayonne, invite you to join the Barony of Stargate at-
                                         A DAY AT THE COLOSSEUM
A light-hearted event in a Greco-Roman style to be held from Sept. 12th  through the 14th.  The day will present five challenges in the form of a pentathlon tournament.  The champion will be chosen from those who have entered at least three of the following five displays of martial prowess:  Chivalric, Equestrian, Archery, Javelin throw, and Sheep toss (Because sometimes you just run out of stones!).  Of course, the more competitions one enters, the better the chance one has at being the champion of the event.
The Rapier community is invited to attend the Academy of the Rapier, which will be held as well; a chance to hone your skills at swashbuckling, learn pithy sayings to taunt your adversary, and enjoy the cameraderie of friends and company.
Afterwords, as tales are told of the feats of the day, Lord Dolfin will serve a feast of hearty fare to accompany the tales of skill and daring do.
The site, Camp Camwood, has plenty of space for camping.  We look forward to seeing you at the event.
For further information concerning the event, please go to the website
In Service, I am
Lady Cecelie die Artzten

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