[Gatesedge] Signy's Farewell Reception

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Wed Sep 17 19:14:06 PDT 2003

Greetings to all and apologies for multiple posts:

As many of you know by now, the Honorable Lady Signy Gandalvsdottir, of the
Shire of Gate's Edge, will be ordained on Sunday, September 21st, and will
shortly thereafter be leaving Ansteorra for her new church in Walnut Ridge,
Arkansas.  This Saturday, September 20th, Signy will be attending her final
SCA event before relocating,  Raven's Fort's Defender.  Many of her SCA
friends wish to honor her with a reception of sorts, and an opportunity to
wish her the best.  So, this Saturday, at Defender of the Fort, from 2 to 4
pm, Signy's friends will host a gathering.in her honor.

We're hoping to have some light finger foods and drinks, as well as some
entertainment.  So far, we have a few items offered for the reception,
including veggies & dip and a cake.  We need more things, however, including
tables to set items on, and some simple decoration (basically mundanity
covers for tables and such).  If you have not already volunteered to bring
an item, please contact me off-list at snorri at houston.rr.com to let me know
what you'll be bringing.

I hope to see many of you there to celebrate Signy on Saturday afternoon!

Snorri Hallsson
Shire of Gate's Edge

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