[Gatesedge] A&S in the SHIRE of Gates Edge

Alisstassia del Balzo alisstassia at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 22 01:51:38 PDT 2003


Shortly my report for A&S will be due.  As this is the first report for A&S
guilds for the SHIRE of Gates Edge I wanted to make certain I gave you
plenty of time. :-)  I will need these reports on or before October 1, 2003.

Also, I intend on implementing a new "introduction" to the Arts and Sciences
during our monthly populous meetings.  Once a month I would like one of our
guilds to instruct the populous on something from their guild.  Any
suggestions guild princ. have please let me know.  I would like to go ahead
and get put on the schedule for the rest of the year, so I need volunteers
and ideas on what you would like to do.

Any members of the populous who wish to see something in particular from a
guild, or are just interested in learning about a particular A&S craft,
please contact me.  If we do not have a guild that does what you are looking
for I will try my best to find someone who can come in and speak about it.
This is why I am here!

In addition, anyone who is working on an A&S project, please email me so I
can include you on the report.  And anyone who is interested in instructing
on a particular craft, please let me know.

Thank you!

Sempre in Servizio,

~Lady Alisstassia

Lady Alisstassia del Balzo
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Shire of Gates Edge
alisstassia at yahoo.com

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