[Gatesedge] My Father and Mother

Kathleen MacLaughlen katmaclaughlen at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 4 11:11:17 PDT 2003

*hugs*  you are in my and m'lord Caedmon's prayers.

"D. Vandever" <hlannes at ev1.net> wrote:Dear Friends,
Some of you know this but allow me to share again.
My mother, Juanita Lillian Daugherty Platt, is 88 and dying of breast cancer which has spread into her lungs and bones. There is nothing to be done except to make her comfortable and let her die with as much dignity as she can.  The good news is that she reports no discomfort or pain associated with the cancer as of yet. 
My father, Clifford Earl Platt,  is 84 and up to two weeks ago, the healthier of the two of them despite coping with the stroke that left him paralyzed on the left side of his body for the last 12 years.  However, two weeks ago, his heart began to fail in a serious way. His kidneys are also failing and hospice just informed my brother who is the major caretaker that Dad is, in their words, "losing ground and going downhill".  I spoke to Daddy on Sunday and he said he is very tired and ready to "go home".
Please keep them in your prayers for an end that is peaceful and not prolonged. It is my belief that I am to be an orphan before too much more time passes by.  Not ever having lost a parent before, this is all pretty new to me....and it seems that I shall probably have to get used to it pretty quickly and doubly so. Prayers for myself for strength and courage would also probably be in order. All such would be appreciated.  
Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen

Lady Kathleen MacLaughlen 
House Wyrmclaw 
Barony of Bryn-Gwlad 

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