[Gatesedge] Re: Newcomer...

Dyan Ford dyanford at txucom.net
Mon Sep 15 19:57:12 PDT 2003

Welcome, David.  We look forward to having you with us.  One person you 
might want to get in touch with is our Hospital, the Lady Natalia Auvert 
(Natasha Storfer  - 281-580-2060).  She is in charge of  helping 
newcomers get situated and can answer most of your questions.
<mailto:Fluffy10 at aol.com>
I understand about not having a Browser-access to the web, but it you do 
find a way to logon (maybe at your local or school library),  our Shire 
website is http://gatesedge.ansteorra.org/.  It has a calendar of events 
and meetings as well as names & numbers of who to contact.  And 
directions to the various meeting sites.

Hope to see you soon,

Shanahan the Fey, called Stormbearer
aka Diann Thedford

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