[Gatesedge] Re: ATTENTION Seren

Mage Prevot serinoir at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 18 23:23:29 PDT 2004

Hi Annes.
There's absolutely no reason for you to apologize. Tired or not, no-one should just be "expected" to take on any particular job, I totally understand the need to have different options for how to serve in the SCA.  I thank you for stepping up to the plate, but if you would rather hold off committing to it until you have had some time to catch your breath and evaluate what you've got coming up in the next six months, I would be totally fine with that too.
I am thankful for folks like yourself, Caitlin, Evelun, Natalia, Fiametta, Aylwin, Sabine and Gisele  who continously volunteer to autocrat or coordinate our shire's events and any other endeavor that our shire commits to for our neighboring baronies.  I am also proud of our new folks who just jump right in to help out as well. 
I'd be even more delighted to see more of our seasoned populace members volunteer to help out even if it is just on the local level. I know alot of folks are doing things on the regional and kingdom level, but this shire is still our "home" and needs all it's members to pitch in and make it shine.
Okay, okay, I'm getting off the soap-box now...
By the way, good job this past weekend.

"D. Vandever" <hlannes at ev1.net> wrote:
Dear Seren,
I'm sorry that I seemed reluctant at populace to help with Cour d'Amour.
I've just had so very much on my plate and just was tired. I would be glad
to head up the nastycrat position for you. Forgive my moment of tired
humanity. Until then, I remain...
In Service,
Dear God, Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am. Amen

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