[Gatesedge] new addition - Jenny and daughter

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 11 10:43:26 PDT 2004

--- gatesedge-request at ansteorra.org wrote:
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:20:22 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Jennifer Saxton <coyote_girl000 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Gatesedge] Scribal Guild Meeting
> Hello:
> I am getting moved into my apartment and am sooooo
> tired of looking at bare walls and would love to come
> by to say hi and meet people in the group!
> Is it okay if I drop in sans garb, two year old in
> tow?  (My garb is somewhere between here and
> Minnesota.)
> Jenny Saxton/Caitlin  

Hey Gate's Edge,  
It was a pleasure to meet Jenny and her daughter last night at Scribes Guild, they will be a nice
addition to the Shire, so say hi next time you see them.  Sorry Jenny, I get the digest, so didn't
get your message till the following day.. but you found us, and saw that we attended the guild
sans-garb (though in modern clothes :-), I think that is the standard for most local guild
meetings... too many of us traveling direct from work to change to garb.   

Jenny is interested in the arts as well as archery, so you archers may need to advise her about
the practices and locations. 

Welcome to the area, hope the new school works out for you as you begin the teaching year.  I see
you have found the e-mail lists, so be sure to post any questions, or even requests for aide, you
will find most of us a chatty bunch, and often willing to lend a hand where possible.  

Cheers, Hillary (delurking from Stargate)

PS>  the next local area event is at Raven's Fort in Sept, just down the road between Huntsville
and Conroe; followed the next weekend by Golden Arrow in Stonebridge Keep in Victoria (that's an
archery event, you may be interested).
See kingdom calendar at: http://www.ansteorra.org/regnum/seneschal/calendar/unofficial.html

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