[Gatesedge] populace meeting

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Tue Aug 3 09:37:49 PDT 2004

  Aylwin wrote:

  Just a little note to remind you that we will be holding our populace meeting next Monday 9Aug. 7:15p.m. at Northwoods Presbyterian Church.

  Just me saying that I will miss you all this next Monday. As I stated in Populace last month, my school board meeting conflicts with populace and now that I am a representative for my teacher's association, it is one of my duties to attend and report to my membership at my school about the school board meeting.

  However, to forstall the deep dispair and gloom which I am sure has now descended upon you with the knowledge of my absence, I want to inform the populace that the Gods have granted a miracle!!! After 32 years of meeting on the 2nd Monday of the month, the school board has moved their meetings to the 2nd Tuesday of the month! This is the last scheduled Monday meeting. Therefore, this will be the only populace I should miss!

  I need a volunteer to step forward and record what goes on in the meeting for me so that my records are continuous. I believe Chari told me that she would do this for me at the last meeting but I don't mind multiple volunteers. Please post on the list if you will be taking notes for me. Thanks!

  I also need a volunteer to give my historian's report for me. If you want to do this, please email me privately and I will send you my report.
  Who is sad that 16 years of mostly continuous populace meetings will suffer an interuption...but there you are.
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