[Gatesedge] Scrolls Needed

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 9 09:44:14 PST 2004

To the populace of Gate's Edge,

Please take a look at the email attached below.  If
you have any scrolls that you have been holding on to
and you are going to coronation, please drop them off
with Sabine, Lisabetta, myself or any other dependable
person you know hanging out by the kitchen at the
scribal tables.  

However, if you do drop them off at coronation and
don't give them to Sabine, Lisabetta or myself, please
let us know that you did.  Your work is tracked and
appriciated and we want others to know about the hard
work you do for the kingdom.  

Also, Sabine will be picking up scrolls this weekend. 
They will be available at populace and the normal
scribal meeting next Tuesday. I look forward to seeing

Written in Service to Lady Sabine Dubois, current head
of the Scribal Guild,
Lady Natalia Auvert
Former head of the Scribal Guild

> Incoming Sable is in dire need of the following
> scrolls, 
> if you have any to turn in please let me know. 
> AoA - we're very low
> Iris of Merit
> Star of Merit
> Golden Bridle
> Arcus Majoris
> Rising Star
> L'in-servizio con l'amore
> La signora Lisabetta Micola da Monte
> La vostra vita è la vostro propria...Grippilo
> -------------------------------------------------
> This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/

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