[Gatesedge] A missive from former Gate's Edgers!

Dan Brandow dbrandow at concentric.net
Mon Jul 5 21:36:03 PDT 2004

Greetings, Everyone!

I am more than pleased to announce that Lord Nikolaous Demetrious ho 
Toxotes (Gate's Edger from 1992-1999), just recently became The 
Honorable Lord Nikolaous Demetrious ho Toxotes at his first kingdom 
autocratting event (A little thing called Glory.  4 days of camping, 450 
people.  No small feat by any means.)  I am more proud of him than words 
can announce.  Tears come close, but also don't qualify it.  

And for our dear friends who remember us, let the jokes about Nikolaous 
being Honorable begin!   ;-) !  

Lady Ekaterina Dimitriu.

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