[Gatesedge] Friends helping friends, this weekend.

Mage Prevot serinoir at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 20:46:33 PDT 2004

I just wanted to let folks know that a couple of us would be out at Mistress Shanahan's place tomorrow (Friday 11am-5pm) and Saturday to help her clean and pack. She has begun the process of seeing to her medical needs, however she is incapacitated to the extent that cleaning and packing up her house on her own is physically beyond her ability right now. So anyone with time and willingness is very welcome to help in any way they can. Call me if you want to help and need directions.
Thanks to all who have helped her out in the past couple of weeks, and thanks in advance to those of you who will assist in the future,
281) 353-3724 hm
713) 208-3152 cell

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