[Gatesedge] Reserved Camping at AAA

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Tue Jun 29 11:43:30 PDT 2004

Greetings to the populace members of the Shire of Gate's Edge and the Barony
of the Steppes!


Argent Anniversary is fast approaching us and time draws near to make
preparations for camping.  Because of your group's outstanding fundraising
efforts for the fireworks display at AAA, your two groups have been asked to
share the reserved camping area just behind the Great Hall.  It's flat, high
ground that drains well, and it is very close to many activities, both
inside and outside of the Hall.


So that we're certain that we have enough space for everyone that wants to
camp, please e-mail me off-list ASAP at snorri at houston.rr.com and let me
know the following information:


SCA names of all campers

Group (Gate's Edge or Steppes)

Size of tent

Date you are arriving


I know that many people are hoteling it, but I'd rather be sure that we had
too much land reserved than not enough.  Please be aware that my final day
with e-mail access before AAA is July 5th, so please reply before then to be
sure room is reserved for your camping.


Hope to see everyone there!



Honor and glory, health and fortune,

HL Snorri Hallsson

Fundraising Coordinator, AAA

snorri at houston.rr.com



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