[Gatesedge] Hospitaler Position

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Thu May 27 13:05:47 PDT 2004

To the Populace of Gate's Edge:

As most of you know, Mattias and I are expecting an
addition to our family in a few months.  Due to the
additional time requirements (and a selfish want to
have a bit of bonding time with my new daughter) I
will be stepping down as Hospitaler at the July

If you are interested in meeting new people and
introducing them to the wonders of the SCA, please
consider applying.  The requirments are a membership,
a willingness to serve, and the Hospitaler class-don't
worry if you haven't taken the class, there are
classes at every red tape and if you get the position
you would just need to attend the class within 6
months.  The Resquest should be sent to the Coastal
Regional Hospitaler and the Gate's Edge Senashal.

I love being hospitaler- it's rewarding and fun!  I
just don't want to let my life changes to affect the
people who seek out the hospitaler for help.  It's not
fair to them.  If you want to talk about the position,
or anything else, feel free to give me a call.  

Natalia Auvert
(281) 580-2060

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