[Gatesedge] coronation gifts

D. Vandever hlannes at ev1.net
Tue Oct 5 15:39:46 PDT 2004

Here's some suggestions:

Insignia-crowns always need insignia to give out. These a pretty easy to make.
Buy them a hotel room at coronation (unless it is local and they day trip)
Buy them a hotel room for Red Tape
    (either or both could be a nice card, perhaps hand done, wherein the Shire promises to get them said room for said event or an event of their choice. Give a contact person-I suggest our seneschal-to get with to get the room.)
A nice card that says we will watch their child at the event of their choice. Contact info as before. and yes, The Annes would be willing to be a part of the child watching committee. And yes, she promises that the child would not be roasted, flambed, fried, or otherwise stuffed with an apple in its mouth and eaten for her lunch. In fact, The Annes will promise not to harm the child physically OR mentally in any way. How's THAT for a sacrifice and a service?

I also suggest that perhaps Aylwin or her designated person contact Their Excellencies and/or TE's entourage and ask what sort of gifts or services they are in most need of.

Dear God,  Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am.  Amen
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