[Gatesedge] Elfsea Defender Cook-Off

Snorri Hallsson snorri at houston.rr.com
Wed Sep 22 16:54:43 PDT 2004

Greetings to the list:


At Elfsea Defender this weekend the Chiurgeonate and Waterbearers are
sponsoring a cooking contest.  Recently a post was sent to the list by Lady
Aylwin going into fine detail about this competition.  There are four teams
registered so far for this competition but they are expecting more by this
weekend.  If you are interested in this competition, please e-mail Aylwin
and ask her to forward the e-mail to you.  Our filters caught it due to size
(it's almost 30 KB of message alone) and even what I received to approve it
as the listadmin wasn't the complete message.  Aylwin's e-mail is
fluffy10 at aol.com.


And Aylwin, I'm sorry to do this to you, but considering the limited focus
of this competition, the limited number of pre-registrants, and the huge
size of the details, I made an executive decision on how to proceed.  You
can dock my pay later.  ;-) 



Honor and glory, health and fortune,

HL Snorri Hallsson

Gatesedge List Administrator

snorri at houston.rr.com



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